Thinking About… Unlawful Killings with HH Wendy Josephs KC took place at The Charter School Bermondsey(TCSB) on Thursday 23rd November.
Students from The Charter School North Dulwich, JAGS and Dulwich College joined students from the host school to explore a case example of a murder trial from Wendy Josephs’ book ‘Unlawful Killings’. The gym at TCSB was transformed into a courtroom, students and staff into the Defence, Prosecution and those accused of the murder, and the audience into the jury. With detailed explanations throughout, Wendy Josephs shared how cases unfold and illustrated what it is like to be a murder trial judge, to have to confront some of the brutal crimes that take place, and how you have to collectively reach a decision – and judgement – with your fellow jurors. After the spokesperson for each of the groups passed their verdicts, Wendy revealed that this was also the decision that she had come to! We hope to be able to explore another case at a future event. Well done to all of those involved – especially the students that acted out the events of the trial, often unscripted and needing to be responsive as the evidence was shared!