Connecting Schools

We welcome schools with an ambition to work in partnership to the benefit of all their students and staff. Our schools commit to sharing ideas, resources and facilities and to learning from each other as equal partners.

These are some of the activities that connect our schools together.

Thinking About (Virtual)

Our Thinking About series for students in Year 10+ ran for a third academic year in 2022/23. There were nine guest speakers, reaching 257 SSLP viewers and providing 23 students with the opportunity to host. Our focus on sustainability encouraged discussions on business, housing and careers as well as exploring a broad range of topics beyond the curriculum from material transformation to Medusa. Thinking About continues in 2023/24 as Thinking About… Live!

So You Want To Be

In its second year our careers webinar series for key stage 3 students, attracted over 400 students to one of the four introductions to careers in Engineering, Science, Energy and the Civil Service.

Oxbridge Preparation

Fifty-eight SSLP applicants were provided with a mock interview in 2022 by a subject expert that they’d not met before. In addition thirty-nine students attended online preparation classes in Economics, Engineering, English, History, and Maths and eleven students had mock medicine interviews comprising of seven mini interviews.

Debating (Workshops)

In 2022/23 seven SSLP schools each received six in-school debating workshops from the Debate Mate Core Programme. These were delivered between March and June depending on the availability of mentors and students. The workshops were paid for by the Worshipful Company of International Bankers.

SSLP Photography Competition

Staff and students are able to enter this competition which encourages continued engagement for five rounds over as many months. In 2022/23 we received a total of 223 entries, with winners announced monthly and best overall.

British Australia Society Education Trust

Thirty-nine students applied for one of two fully funded opportunities to study at Canberra Grammar School for 4 weeks. Two Kingsdale students were selected.

CERN Particle Physics School

Eighteen students applied for an opportunity to spend a week at CERN over the summer. Nine were given the opportunity, with two being financially supported by the SSLP.