In 2020-21 we began working with ImpactEd on a three-year programme to evaluate the impact of the partnership. During the first year they worked with us to develop a Theory of Change document and conducted an end of year survey for students and teachers. In 2021-22 two surveys were conducted, one at the start of the year and one at the end, we also held three focus groups with students, staff members and SSLP Link teachers.
This year, 2022-23, ImpactEd again hosted three Focus Groups in June; hearing from students, staff and senior leaders. In addition, ImpactEd also conducted some mini-surveys at selected meetings for staff and student leaders. We have continued to make evaluation forms available for all events and invited all schools (staff and students) to complete our end of year Impact Assessment.
Below is our third year report.
The second year report from ImpactEd notes that whilst responses to the survey were mixed, it is promising to see that the sense of community within the SSLP increased for both students and staff between Autumn 21 and Summer 22. Notably the events allowed for students to meet others from different backgrounds and hear about their experiences and perspectives. Students expressed that they develop transferable skills from the SSLP events, particularly in team working, communication and critical thinking.
Teachers thought the CPD sessions were eye-opening and enabled them to think critically about progression routes as well as helping them reflect on their own style of leadership. Noting that they saw immediate gains within department and curriculum planning, indirectly impacting the student experience within their school.
The focus groups with students, staff and senior leaders revealed some positive findings about the impact of the SSLP, especially around the quality of the events and the value of the cross-school collaboration which led to an increased sense of community. These focus groups also revealed some helpful suggestions to increase the partnership’s impact in future, including around communication (mapping events to Ofsted requirements) and advertising of events (a calendar to be shared in advance).
All referenced the value of cross-school collaboration, with students wishing they could expand the number of schools that they visited and senior leaders suggesting more schools would be keen to host events.