Tag Archive : SSLP News

On Monday we launched our biggest ever musical collaboration #Beethoven250/4ALL
We are joining the global 250 year celebrations of the birth of Ludwig van Beethoven by learning to play the final movement of his Symphony No. 6 ‘The Pastoral’. We have sheet music available for all the instruments played in our schools, and adapted them for different levels of experience. We hope all schools will join in, record their contributions and by mid-July we will have a collaborative performance from our own homes!

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Actor Ekow Quartey was playing Macbeth at the Globe until it was cancelled due to the pandemic. Fortunately the production, which is aimed at GCSE students, was filmed and is now available on YouTube. We are delighted that Ekow has agreed to speak EXCLUSIVELY to SSLP drama students on Friday 15th May at 3pm. Students can sign in to Zoom via the SSLP website.

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The SSLP, together with Dulwich College, is delighted to be able to announce a weekly series of webinars for SSLP students. Every Tuesday at 4pm we will be virtually visiting an expert in their home and we invite 100 students in Year 11+ to join us via Zoom. The Thinking About… series of talks will focus on a wide range of topics including Art, Science, Languages and Humanities.

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Amidst the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic we concentrate on how SSLP Schools can work together to ensure we support the learning of our pupils. We also reflect on last week’s Healthcare Lectures and enjoy the colourful promise of the final round of the SSLP Street Photography Competition.

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Congratulations to Emmanuella (St Thomas Apostle College) and Sophia (St Michael’s Catholic College) who on Wednesday 4th March were successful in their applications for BASET Pioneer Awards allowing them to join Canberra Grammar School for four weeks this summer. Louise, Director of BASET, said “The Britain Australia Society Education Trust is thrilled to support these deserving young women and would love to support more applicants for 2021. For more information please see www.britain-australia.org.uk/baset

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The SSLP Street Photography competition is hurtling towards the fifth and final theme in March. The winners of January’s Structure round have been announced as Bertie (student), Hari (staff) and Lily (junior). Entries for the fourth round Anything with Wheels must be submitted by Saturday 29th February, we are expecting composition to play a key role in the story telling.

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